The Ministry of Social Policy, Demography and Youth in cooperation with the OSCE Mission to Skopje continues with the Mentoring Programme "Women for Women" to encourage the professional development and leadership of women in the public sector, intended for women in full-time employment in the ministry.

The mentoring programme aims to increase the opportunities for personal and professional development of women employed in the public sector by creating a concept of mutual support and strengthening, sharing knowledge and experiences, as well as strengthening solidarity and networking between women.

The first cycle of trainings shall  be implemented from September to December 2024, a two-day training on September 4-5 for mentors and mentees, and then on September 25-26, a two-day training for mentors and building the mentor-mentee relationship. After completing the training, the mentoring cycle will begin, lasting three months.

In order for the sustainability of the programme to continue to be an integral part of the training modules in the Ministry's Resource Center, 2 training cycles will be conducted and in 2025, a group of trainers for this programme will be prepared from them.