Today at the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policymaking and Budgeting, a mentoring meeting was held with four institutions that are involved in the process of gender responsive budgeting.
On December 19, 2024, the Resource Center was visited by cadets from the Military Academy "General Mihailo Apostolski" - Skopje.
A workshop was held at the resource center, presenting a gender analysis of agriculture and rural development and the importance of sectoral working groups in the EU integration process, attended by representatives from the public administration and the Sectoral Working Group for Agriculture and Rural Development.
Today at the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policymaking and Budgeting, a mentoring meeting was held with four institutions that are involved in the process of gender responsive budgeting.
At the Resource Center for Gender Responsible Policy Making and Budgeting, a workshop was held for representatives from state institutions and enterprises, providing them with basic tools for promoting gender equality in their organizations.
The Ministry of Social Policy, Demography and Youth within the training program of the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policy Making and Budgeting from October 15 to 16, 2024 is conducting "Basic Training for Gender Responsive Budgeting and its Application in Sectoral Policies and Programs."
Ministerstvoto za socijalna politika, demografija i mladi vo ramkite na programata za obuki na Resursniot centar za Rodovo odgovorno kreiranje na politiki i budžetiranje od 8 do 9 oktomvri 2024 godina sproveduva „Osnovna obuka za rodovo odgovorno budžetiranje i negova primena vo sektorskite politiki i programi . Obukata e nameneta za administrativni službenici od organite na državna uprava so poseben fokus na lica so relativno kratko iskustvo vo rabotata, odnosno učesnici koi dosega nemale možnost da se zapoznaat dlabinski so konceptite za rodova ednakvost. Ovoj modul e del od serijalot naši obuki za podobruvanje na kapacitetite na nacionalite mehanizmi so ovie obuki se obezbeduva razbiranje za rodovite koncepti i značenjeto na rodovo odgovornoto budžetiranje kako i specijaliziranite metodi i alatki za rodovo-odgovorno budžetiranje vklučuvajḱi i alatki za rodova analiza. Obukata se realizira vo sorabotka so UN Women i tehnička poddrška od Centarot za upravuvanje so promeni – CUP So ovie obuki se zapoznaat učesnicite so konceptite i procesite na rodovo odgovorno budžetiranje. Da gi razberat osnovnite principi za inkluzivno i rodovo odgovorno budžetiranje. Da naučat da identifikuvaat pristap za vklučuvanje na rodovite aspekti pri kreiranje na javni politiki i budžet. Da gi identifikuvaat vleznite točki za rodovo odgovorno budžetiranje. Da se zapoznaat so ciklusot na budžetiranje. Show more 1,378 / 5,000 The Ministry of Social Policy, Demography and Youth within the training program of the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policymaking and Budgeting from October 8 to 9, 2024 is conducting "Basic Training on Gender Responsive Budgeting and its Application in Sectoral Policies and Programs."
The Ministry of Social Policy, Demography and Youth in cooperation with the OSCE Mission continued with the Mentoring Program "Women for Women" to encourage the professional development and leadership of women in the public sector, intended for women in full-time employment in the ministry
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy organizes trainings that are part of the project activities within the project "Strengthening the rule of law and human rights in North Macedonia", which is financially supported by the OSCE Mission in Skopje.
The Ministry of Social Policy, Demography and Youth within the training program of the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policymaking and Budgeting from September 11 to 12, 2024 is conducting "Basic training on gender, gender equality and introduction of the gender perspective in public policies" .
The mentoring programme aims to increase the opportunities for personal and professional development of women employed in the public sector by creating a concept of mutual support and strengthening, sharing knowledge and experiences, as well as strengthening solidarity and networking between women.
The Ministry of Social Policy, Demography and Youth within the training program of the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policy Making and Budgeting from September 2 to 3, 2024 is conducting "Basic training for the city, gender equality and introduction of a gender perspective in public policies" .
Workshop for the exchange of experiences on gender mechanisms at the local level February 21-23 Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policymaking and Budgeting
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy continues with activities to establish equal opportunities between men and women. In that direction, the annual work plan and program of the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policymaking and Budgeting at the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy was prepared.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy has set up modules on gender-based violence in order to strengthen the capacities of the public administration and the general public.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy organizes the regional conference "Gender Responsive Policies - Good Practices and Challenges from the Region". The conference is organized together with the UN Woman office in Skopje with the support of Switzerland and Sweden. It is planned to last 2 days in the presence of representatives from the region who deal with the challenges related to gender equality.
In the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policy Making and Budgeting, the third training session on Gender Analysis started today and will be held for two days.
In the Resource Center for gender-responsive policymaking and budgeting, a public debate was held on the proposal of the Law on Gender Equality, which was attended by the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Jovanka Trenchevska, and representatives from the ministries and all other relevant institutions.
In the Resource Center for gender-based policy-making and budgeting, the "Basic training for gender-responsive budgeting and its application in sectoral policies and programs" is ongoing.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy at the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policymaking and Budgeting held Training on non-discrimination, rights and legal tools for preventing and protecting against discrimination, as well as an Information Session on free legal assistance.
The first module “Gender and the introduction of the gender perspective in public policies” of the Basic training on gender, gender equality and the introduction of the gender perspective in public policies was held in the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policy Making and Budgeting.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, within the training program of the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policy Making and Budgeting, publishes a call for participation in the “Basic training on gender, gender equality and introduction of the gender perspective in public policies”, which will be held on October 17 and 18, 2022.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, within the training program of the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policy Making and Budgeting, publishes a call for participation of civil servants employed in the public sector who want to upgrade their capacities and knowledge and want to be a part of the training titled “Duty to promote equality in the public sector”.
The final meetings of the GREVIO evaluation visit to the Republic of North Macedonia were held in the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policymaking and Budgeting. During 5 days, meetings were held with state institutions and the non-governmental sector.
The first GREVIO evaluation visit to the Republic of North Macedonia was held at the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policymaking and Budgeting. The meeting was attended by the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Jovanka Trenchevska, and representatives from the Council of Europe, GREVIO, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the Agency for Audio, Audio-Visual Media Services. Questions were asked by the representatives of the independent expert body at the Council of Europe for the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in order to better understand the progress of our country in relation to gender-based violence.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, with the support from the OSCE Mission to Skopje and the Center for Change Management, is opening a call for civil servants employed in the public sector. The trainings are on the topic of "Discrimination and Combating Discrimination" and are planned to be held at the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policy Making and Budgeting.
The Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policymaking and Budgeting strives daily to fulfill its goal. His work is aimed at introducing gender sensitivity in public administration and greater representation of gender equality in the daily practices of the social community.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy with the support of the OSCE Mission to Skopje and the Center for Change Management is opening a call for male and female workers in the public sector who wish to upgrade their knowledge and skills and to become trainers on non-discrimination and the obligation to promote equality in the public sector.
A working meeting on the topic of “The progress of the Republic of North Macedonia in implementing the activities envisaged in the National Action Plan (2018–2023) for the Implementation of the Istanbul Convention for the period from October 2018 to December 2021” took place in the premises of the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policy Making and Budgeting.
A bilateral meeting between the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Jovanka Trenchevska, and the Deputy Head of the OSCE Mission in the Republic of Kosovo, Kilian Wahl, was held at the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policy Making and Budgeting.
The promotion of the campaign "We are with you - together against violence against women and girls" was held with the aim of encouraging victims of domestic violence to report the violence to the competent institutions.
The second training in the series of trainings on "Gender, Gender Equality and Introduction of Gender Perspective in Public Policies" was held, which are intended to strengthen the capacity of institutions.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy in cooperation with the UN Women Office in Skopje started conducting workshops on the topic: "Gender Perspective in Public Finance - Gender Responsive Budgeting", aimed at strengthening administrative capacity in terms of gender mainstreaming in creating of budgets.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy in cooperation with the UN Women office in Skopje started conducting a series of trainings aimed at capacity building in the institutions, which are held in the Resource Center for policy making and gender responsive budgeting. The trainings were conducted by the Center for Change Management within the UN Women project "Promoting Gender Responsive Policies and Budgets: Towards Transparent, Inclusive and Accountable Governance in the Republic of Northern Macedonia" financially supported by Switzerland and Sweden.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy organized another two-day workshop at the Resource Center for Policy Making and Gender Responsive Budgeting on "Gender Budget Statements - Report on Gender Responsive Budgeting (Follow up)".
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy in the Resource Center for Policy Making and Gender Responsive Budgeting from 4 to 8 April 2022 organized a set of workshops on "Creating Gender Indicators: Challenges and Difficulties".
On March 3, 2022, the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policy Making and Budgeting was officially opened by the MLSP, with the support of the UN women office in Skopje.
Today, the Minister of Labor and Social Policy met with the representatives of UN Women - Skopje. The meeting discussed various forms of violence against women, cooperation and promotion of gender responsive policies and budgeting, as well as the new Law on Gender Equality and the establishment of the first Resource Center for gender responsive policy making and budgeting.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, within the training program of the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policy Making and Budgeting, publishes a call for participation in the “Basic training on gender, gender equality and introduction of the gender perspective in public policies”, which will be held on October 17 and 18, 2022.