The goals of the program are for the participants to gain knowledge about basic concepts of gender equality, to recognize the differences in positions of power in society that are a condition for gender discrimination in order to be able to meet the needs of men when creating strategic documents and public policies. and women equally and advocate for their adoption and implementation.
The training should provide an understanding of gender concepts and the importance of gender responsive budgeting as well as specialized methods and tools for gender responsive budgeting including gender analysis tools.
To get acquainted with the concept of gender analysis and the benefits of applying gender analysis
Understand the key issues and steps for conducting a gender analysis
Identify key issues and gender aspects by sectors
Understand the importance of regulatory impact assessment in the process of developing better gender responsive policies
Gain knowledge of gender statistics and identify relevant sources of gender statistics
To get acquainted with the importance of monitoring and evaluation systems
To get acquainted with the concept of gender responsive budget reports and their content
On December 19, 2024, the Resource Center was visited by cadets from the Military Academy "General Mihailo Apostolski" - Skopje.
A workshop was held at the resource center, presenting a gender analysis of agriculture and rural development and the importance of sectoral working groups in the EU integration process, attended by representatives from the public administration and the Sectoral Working Group for Agriculture and Rural Development.
Today at the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policymaking and Budgeting, a mentoring meeting was held with four institutions that are involved in the process of gender responsive budgeting.
At the Resource Center for Gender Responsible Policy Making and Budgeting, a workshop was held for representatives from state institutions and enterprises, providing them with basic tools for promoting gender equality in their organizations.
The Ministry of Social Policy, Demography and Youth within the training program of the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policy Making and Budgeting from October 15 to 16, 2024 is conducting "Basic Training for Gender Responsive Budgeting and its Application in Sectoral Policies and Programs."
Ministerstvoto za socijalna politika, demografija i mladi vo ramkite na programata za obuki na Resursniot centar za Rodovo odgovorno kreiranje na politiki i budžetiranje od 8 do 9 oktomvri 2024 godina sproveduva „Osnovna obuka za rodovo odgovorno budžetiranje i negova primena vo sektorskite politiki i programi . Obukata e nameneta za administrativni službenici od organite na državna uprava so poseben fokus na lica so relativno kratko iskustvo vo rabotata, odnosno učesnici koi dosega nemale možnost da se zapoznaat dlabinski so konceptite za rodova ednakvost. Ovoj modul e del od serijalot naši obuki za podobruvanje na kapacitetite na nacionalite mehanizmi so ovie obuki se obezbeduva razbiranje za rodovite koncepti i značenjeto na rodovo odgovornoto budžetiranje kako i specijaliziranite metodi i alatki za rodovo-odgovorno budžetiranje vklučuvajḱi i alatki za rodova analiza. Obukata se realizira vo sorabotka so UN Women i tehnička poddrška od Centarot za upravuvanje so promeni – CUP So ovie obuki se zapoznaat učesnicite so konceptite i procesite na rodovo odgovorno budžetiranje. Da gi razberat osnovnite principi za inkluzivno i rodovo odgovorno budžetiranje. Da naučat da identifikuvaat pristap za vklučuvanje na rodovite aspekti pri kreiranje na javni politiki i budžet. Da gi identifikuvaat vleznite točki za rodovo odgovorno budžetiranje. Da se zapoznaat so ciklusot na budžetiranje. Show more 1,378 / 5,000 The Ministry of Social Policy, Demography and Youth within the training program of the Resource Center for Gender Responsive Policymaking and Budgeting from October 8 to 9, 2024 is conducting "Basic Training on Gender Responsive Budgeting and its Application in Sectoral Policies and Programs."
Basic training
Advanced training
Training of trainers
Other training
„I participated in perhaps the most interesting training for me so far. The trainers were very prepared and the training was excellent from an organizational point of view.“
„Many thanks to the team from the training center for the excellent training. The acquired skills will mean a lot to me for my career development.“
Makedonija 22, Skopje
Mon.-Fri. 08:30-16:30
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